Saturday, March 19, 2016

black and white throw pillows for sale

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Philosophy: Hope for a Life WELL LIVED!!

The past 6 months, i have been standing still, why? At first i did not know. I did not know what i was suppose to do, and where to go from here. Six months ago i felt as though  i had lost everything (or at least everything I THOUGHT MATTERED)...I thought graphic design was something i was supposed to be doing for the rest of my life..if that's the case...WHY, WHY WHY  do i hate it so much? I loathe the time i spend in front of the computer, i have lost my passion for it....SURE, i can get it back, but do i really want it back? NO.....that phase, that chapter of my life is now over...I am moving on to an  even bigger destiny. My Destiny Fulfilled!...but what might that be?....Well, i was asked when i was in 1st grade what i wanted to be when i grew up....i said "i want to be an artist". Even in my little brain, i knew at the time i have found a goal. Drawing houses with picket fences and little green bushes, with yellow, pink, and red tulips...OH how i enjoyed my art work....Yes, that's what i want! YES YES YES, an artist!...
Well, when it came for me to graduate from high school, i was set again to face the challenge once more...WHAT DO I WANT?? Where do i want to go?...all i knew is that i had to get away from ARCADIA, i got into FAMU, and there i started my journey of freedom! AAAAHHHH... adulthood.. I chose graphic arts  for my major because it had "art" in the title...and for the 1st couple of semesters i second guessed my decision, however i was told it was easier to find a job as graphic designer than a sketch artist.....After while i found my way and became fairly well....What? Theater...Acting?..Who Me?... Oh yeah .."there was that play i did in  high school, and i played a big booty school teacher".....oh and i cant for get those little skits i did i church as "BIG ANNY".....but i am no professional, i just love to be on stage. There lies my PASSION! i have found it IT! IT!  It is the lights, it is the camera, it is the action! Yes that is what i am to do next, that's it! i have FINALLY FOUND MY CALLING, .....THEATER, ACTING  AND SINGING...(i drive my family crazy...i already live my own musical in real life...) They say, the very thing you are meant to do, you do without even thinking about it....its like breathing...People look at me crazy when i burst out in a song and dance, in the kitchen, or i make a song out of the last words someone has said...WOW!....that's what what i will do then, i will get my self educated in theater...So, i say goodbye to the old phase of my life, and move one step closer to my MANIFEST DESTINY!....DESTINY FULFILLED!!
Its not easy finding your purpose. When you don't know what you want to do, ask God, he'll reveal your next step, but you must take the 1st step. Once you take the first one, the second one is revealed...a lot of times we think we know exactly what we are supposed to do from the beginning, then when things change we get depressed. My advice to you is LIVE YOUR LIFE...don't sweat the small things, they will work themselves out...DO WHAT YOU CAN DO...  and leave the rest to that with every "mistake" you may think you make, there is a lesson behind it and it will make you stronger...NO REGRETS!,  know that the pain is there for a season, but joy lasts forever! Hope For Joy, Hope For a Life well Lived!- so don't be afraid to make mistakes, be ye strong and very courageous!, because in DUE season you shall REAP, if you don't give up! Remember, courage is not being without fear-WE BECOME COURAGEOUS IN SPITE OF FEAR!!